Alicia Daniel (She/Her)
Board Member (2013 - Present)
Walking through the forest without knowing how to read the landscape is like walking through a library without knowing how to read a book. Places record their histories in rock formations and soil horizons, in tree rings and cut stumps, in stonewalls and cellar holes, deer browse and beaver chew. At UVM for the past 27 years, Alicia Daniel has guided undergraduate and graduate students as they solve forest mysteries. Students record their findings in field journals, maps, photos and sketches. Forest ecologist Tom Wessels wrote, “To develop intimacy with people it is necessary to understand their history; the same holds true for developing an intimate relationship with place.” Through her teaching, Alicia helps students cultivate an intimate understanding of the natural world. Alicia also has a new position as the Field Naturalist for the City of Burlington working at BPRW in conservation education, reforestation, and managing forested parks for wildlife and plant diversity. She is excited to be launching the Master Naturalist BTV Program this year and loves dreaming with the Crow’s Path board.