Tuition Details
We run programs year-round with enrollment options for 2, 3, and 5 days per week. Cost break down is as follows:
School year 2024/25
Program runs from August through May. See program page for details and calendar. Extended care is available M-F (see below). $200 non-refundable deposit due with registration.
- 2 days per week (Tuesday/Thursday): $600 per month
- 3 days per week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday): $911.11 per month
- 5 days per week (Monday-Friday): $1,533.33 per month
Summer session 2024
Our summer camp season for preschool runs 9 weeks (June 24 – August 23). Register by the week or for the full summer session. Extended care is available M-F.
- 1 week of summer camp: $400
- 2 days per week (TTh): $1,360 for full session
- 3 days per week (MWF): $2,080 for full session
- 5 days per week (M-F): $3,440 for full session
Extended care
We offer extended care beginning at the end of the regular day (3:15pm). Pick up any time after that, but no later than 5:15pm. Cost is $12 per day.

Tuition Assistance
- CCFAP: CCFAP is income-based state funding available for all children up to age 18. You can find information on CCFAP and apply here.
- Act 166: Act 166 funding can be applied towards 10 hours/week of preschool tuition for children who are enrolled for at least two full days per week during the school year. The Act 166 funding discount for 2024/25 year is $3,884. Please follow registration instructions found on your local school district’s website.
- Burlington Early Learning Initiative: This is income-based funding for families living in Burlington and covers students up to age 3. You can find more info and apply here.
- Financial Aid: We offer financial aid and can work with every family to make our programs financially accessible.
- Please contact us if you have any questions concerning any of these opportunities.
Interest Form
Registration for The Wilds Preschool summer and school year sessions is now open! Prior to registration, we ask that families fill out an interest form. We will follow up to schedule a call and/or visit. Please contact us if you have any questions.