AGES: K-5th

DATES: , 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

LOCATION: Rock Point, Burlington

PRICE: $20


Come join us for a day exploring the fishing along the shore of Rock Point! The young anglers will be introduced to the basics of fishing and learn about the roles they play as stewards of our waterways. We will also spend time learning how to clean our local catch and cook it into a delicious snack (that is of course if we catch a fish)!

NOTE: All fishing equipment will be provided

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Welcome, Journalers!

The Champlain Valley Nature Journal Club is a monthly meetup for folks to collaboratively learn and journal in local natural areas throughout the Lake Champlain Basin. Meetups will be organized and taught by science teacher Caitlin Kurnit.
Dates: First Saturday of every month from 10am-12pm- First meeting- May
Suggested donation: $10-20 per person
Who: ALL are welcome! Nature journaling is family friendly but might not be appropriate for pre-literate children or children who struggle with sitting still. Ages: Children under age 14 must attend with a responsible adult.
Locations: Tentative schedule and locations are listed below. We will plan our locations around any accommodations that our club members might need.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out so we can discuss how I can support you. If money is an issue, reach out and I will help set you up with a starter nature journal kit, and I encourage you to attend all our meetings free of charge.

No registration necessary, but an RSVP would help us prepare! Sign up for our monthly newsletter to get Nature Journaling Club announcements.

Flow of a day

Required: Paper and clipboard or a notebook, writing utensils, weather appropriate clothing, bag for carrying supplies

Optional: Pen with waterproof ink, watercolors and water brush, colored pencils, eraser, pencil sharpener that holds shavings, binoculars, folding chair, field guides, measuring tools

Search Youtube for “nature journal kit” to see what other people include in their kit.

Field Trip Schedule
  • May 15, 2024: Intro to nature journaling and vernal pools @ ADL School Woods, Essex Junction

  • June 1, 2024: How to nature journal birds @ Wheeler Nature Park, South Burlington

  • July 6, 2024: Stream ecology @ East Woods Natural Area, South Burlington

  • August 3, 2024: Garden Journaling @ Community Garden at Ethan Allen Homestead

  • September 7, 2024: Floodplain journaling @ Burlington Intervale
  • October 5, 2024: Fall colors, mushrooms, and maybe some raptor migration sightings @ Mount Philo State Park, Charlotte

Caitlin Kurnit: Your Guide
Caitlin Kurnit

Caitlin Kurnit

My name is Caitlin Kurnit and I am the “founder” of this nature club. At least at first, I’ll be planning and running all our meetups.

I’m a middle school science teacher with 16 years of teaching experience. I currently teach 7th and 8th grade science at ADL Middle School in Essex Junction. I’ve had an interest in nature ever since going on nature walks and playing in the woods as a child. I have been sharing my love of nature with my students through nature journaling on our weekly nature walks, and I’m now looking to find a group of like-minded adults who are also interested in exploring with me. In my free time I spend a lot of time taking local hikes with my 3 year old, and I am also an active participant in Hearthlight and the Society for Creative Anachronism, including being a member in their foresters’ guild.

I have been nature journaling extensively for the past three years, so while I’m far from an expert, I have learned so much along the way. I approach the topic of nature journaling as a scientist: I emphasize detailed and concrete observations and data. I am using my nature journals to chronicle and deepen my learning about our native forests here in Vermont.

That said, there is plenty of room for every skillset in our group. Some people love the art aspect of nature journaling, and delight in a pretty picture. Some become wrapped up in the prose of their feelings and experiences. Some might feel intimidated by the whole process and would like support. All are welcome and I’ll tailor our meetups to the interests of the group. I have several ideas for trips, but I’m open to any and all suggestions or changes, and I’m more than willing to share the floor with others who would like to lead. I look forward to learning from you!

If you’d like to see some of my nature journal pages and some photos from my nature walks, check out my Instagram at: @vikingnaturalist

Activities include:

  • Fishing
  • Lure selection
  • Exploring local fishing spots
  • Fileting fish


  • Knot tying
  • Fish ecology
  • Fishing
  • Nature-based games

Parent Testimonials

“We’ve been part of the Crows Path family since our oldest son started in 2010.  As a family that believes strongly in the importance of immersing young people in nature, we are deeply grateful that Crows Path has provided a way for our boys to do that once a week.  Additionally, knowing that their time in the woods is spent with loving, trained nature mentors who allow the children to explore their curiosities and interests is a priceless gift.”

Mark, Father of Field School participant

“Crow’s Path has encouraged my daughter’s love of the natural world and given her a place to be herself and explore, while being active, curious, creative, silly and happy. Being a part of this group has given her a close knit and supportive community of friends and mentors. She wouldn’t miss a day- not even when the rain pours or the wind chill dips!”

Liz, mother of Field School participant

“Our daughter has been with Crows Path since second grade, and has such a strong sense of connection to Rock Point, the animals and plants there, the mentors, and to imaginative play that engages with place.  It isn’t always obvious that this is developing; kids keep some of this private in their hearts.  But as I listen to her non-stop explanation of every stage of the overnight, watch her plan ahead for becoming a Middle School Apprentice, and hear here decide what programs she loves and which aren’t her preference, I see the impact — in her growing sense of what she loves, and how she wants to be herself.”

Susan, mother of middle school apprentice
“When family and friends and neighbors ask about Crow’s Path and what goes on there, they usually want to know what concrete skills are being learned. And, of course, there are indeed things of that sort (wonderful things!) that we can tell them: pitching a tent and building a fire; identifying trees and animal tracks. But these things aren’t why we choose to send our daughter out into the woods one day per week, instead of to “regular” school. It is, rather, the more nebulous things about Crow’s Path – things like community and confidence and contemplation, for which there never seems to be enough time elsewhere – for which we are so grateful.”
Brian, father of Field School participant

Crows Path consistently creates and holds a container that fuels learning, adventure and creativity. My kids have benefited from the rich sense of cooperative learning, shared purpose, reflection and play that fills their days at Field School. Being part of a purpose driven community that reminds us how to (re)connect to self, wild and each other has been key in my family’s joy and growth.

Trish, mother of Field School participants

“Crow’s Path invites kids to learn about the world around them, teaches kids respectful ways of moving through that world, encourages kids to be their true selves, and prepares kids to be engaged and thoughtful ecological citizens. I am a parent who has had the great fortune of traveling through the portal on many occasions for both camp and Field School. While out on the land, I have seen eyes grow wider with wonder and hearts grow lighter as children share their gratitude for that which they hold most dear. My son returns home from Crow’s Path each day covered with dirt, pockets filled with pine cones, mind filled with stories, and eyes twinkling with joyful wonder. To me, these are the signs of the best possible kind of learning.”

Christine, mother of Field School participant
“Crow’s Path programs have been invaluable to our 2 elementary school aged daughters. Field school is a welcome mid-week break and compliment to more traditional education in the classroom. The forest, field and lake offer a perfect setting to spend a day reflecting, playing and connecting with nature. This time allows them the space and freedom to be themselves, follow their senses and move at their own pace for a day, among a group of nurturing and supportive adults and children that value each other as peers. This experience empowers our children, cultivates leadership skills, teaches a love and respect for nature and allows for a unique bonding time in a beautiful setting. I wish all children had the opportunity to participate in a program like this.”
Elise, mother of Field School participants