Natural History Quizzes
Poison Ivy Myths Quiz
What better way to stay safe and happy while out in the woods than to be clear on what poison ivy is (and isn't).
End of Year Quiz (2019)
Celebrate the end of the year while testing your natural history skills. Covers a range of topics, many of which are covered in the Wild Burlington Newsletter
Poison Ivy Quiz
What better way to stay safe and happy while out in the woods than to be clear on what poison ivy is (and isn't).
Norway vs Sugar Maple Quiz
Sugar and Norway maple can look awfully similar. Test your summer tree ID skills and see if you can tell a platanoides from a saccharum.
How old is that?
Test your skills at identifying how old various things you're likely to encounter in the woods are.
Astacidae Quiz
Not so much a quiz as it is a survey. Let us know your name for this common freshwater crustacean.