Interns are an essential part of our community. Somewhere between participant and staff, interns get to soak up knowledge around earth skills as well as pedagogy and mentoring.
As an intern, you will:
- help facilitate different activities for the kids (preschool or K-8)
- provide kids in our program the opportunity to connect with adults in a more casual way than with staff
- demonstrate to the kids a positive example of what college can look like
- learn a wide range of earth skills (e.g. fire-by-friction, hide tanning, tracking, etc.)
- receive feedback and guidance from staff on creative ways of engaging kids, educational pedagogy, and skill building.
Summer camp interns are expected to come to a full week of camp to share in the experience with our kids and mentors. Prior to that, Interns must attend some or all of our staff/apprentice/intern training week in June. Interns may apply to participate in multiple weeks, though some limits may apply due to availability. Please apply with the link on the left and don’t forget to mention the weeks you are available! Interns must be 15 or older. Feel free to email Ross @ to coordinate.
Many of our interns in the past have received academic credit through their schools or expanded on the internship into a senior thesis or project. We ask three things of our interns.
- Choose one particular skill to develop more fully (e.g. storytelling, leading games or songs, birdsong identification, making fire-by-friction- options are endless!)
- Share something you are passionate about through an activity offered to a small group of kids
- Work on a service project for our community
Interns are expected to show up on time at the start of the day (staff arrive at 8:15am, kids at 9am) and stay for the full day. No prior experience with natural history/earth-based skills necessary. Ideal interns are curious, playful, patient, and adventurous. Start dates are flexible. We also have other opportunities to get involved. For more information, please contact the Youth Program Director: Ross at crowspath dot org.