We’ve been hard at work crafting high-quality field guides to help you connect to the world around you. So if it’s tree ID in the summer, amphibians in the spring, or twigs in the winter, we’ve got you covered. You can always contact us if you have any questions about bulk orders, permissions to use the content, collaborating, or anything else. Use the form below to order a guide.

Trees of Vermont

A visual key for summer identification of VT’s common wild trees

Foldable, waterproof guide to the leaves of Vermont's trees (page 2)
Fall Foliage

A guide to fall colors and fall tree ID for VT’s common wild trees

Amphibians of VT

A waterproof, tearproof, and foldable field guide to the amphibians of VT

Amphibian field guide (salamander page)
Tree Names & Origins

Etymological dictionary of the common + scientific names of VT’s trees

Sample pages from Vermont Tree Names & Their Origins

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