Julie Pacholik was born and raised in Sacramento, California and spent much of her childhood packed into the family van en route to any number of California’s Parks and wilderness areas. From Death Valley to Yosemite, Point Rayes to the Giant Sequoias. When it was time to leave home, she felt called to the magic of the coastal redwoods and spent her college years studying Environmental Studies at the University of California at Santa Cruz. It was during this time she discovered backpacking and took multiple field courses in California and Alaska.
After receiving her BA she decided she needed to break out of the California bubble and has spent the subsequent years teaching outdoor education all across the country. Most recently, she worked at a non-profit, educational farm in Southern Oregon teaching forest ecology, sustainable agriculture, and cooking.
When not at Crow’s Path you can find her frolicking barefooted in the garden, making herbal salve, or drinking Japanese green tea.