Sharyl Green board photo

Sharyl Green (She/Her)

Board Member (2025 - Present)

Sharyl grew up a free-range kid in southeastern Michigan. The stream through the woods was the magnet and the way back home. These days it’s winter sunshine and animal tracking, then spying spring shoots, riding her bike, harvesting greens, following crows and exploring México – learning how the natural world works.

Coming of age in the 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement and Social Justice issues were everywhere. Her family discussions and university classes focused her commitment that continues today.

Sharyl lives with Peter in Burlington Cohousing where cooking dinner for thirty, managing a growing blackberry patch, pursuing car-charging stations, writing poetry and telling stories are all part of the mix. Like Crow’s Path, there’s open inquiry, fancy new projects, some healthy risk-taking, and cross-age connections. So, too with Sharyl’s teaching and learning adventures for 32 years alongside eight-, nine-, and ten-year-olds in schools here in Vermont and beyond.

Crow’s Path work weaves together all these parts of her life.