What: When we heard about the proposed development near the section of Centennial Woods next to the Sheraton we thought it would be a great idea to go set up a game cam on one of the nearby deer trails. We wanted to capture some of the wildlife traveling through this corridor so that we can show the importance of this area to the development council and the public. This is a really remote part of Centennial Woods in that no human trails run very close to it. When we were out exploring it for the first time we found parts of a deer skeleton and we were struck by the unique feeling that this section of the woods has.
Ecological notes: This area of the woods is unique because it acts as a border for Centennial Woods. Borders are special areas in the woods because we see different species composition and activity in these parts. It is important to protect these areas that act as a buffer zone and provide corridors for wildlife to pass through.
Where: Centennial Woods near the Sheraton hotel
Other notes: You may be able to see the nubs on the buck’s head where his antlers will emerge later this season. It was exciting to examine this remote area that we would have not likely spent much time exploring if it hadn’t been for the proposed development.
Here’s a map showing where we set the game cam up.
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