Hot off the press: The Wild Burlington Newsletter

I’m embarking a new endeavor. Well, not really. Stick with what you know, right? Since I started posting natural history essays, videos, and photo galleries on the Wild Burlington blog about 6 years, I’ve posted about 300+ articles.  I still plan on writing longer format posts here, but I’m branching out into the newsletter industry. The newsletter will still have lots of rich, well researched content, but I’ll focus on writing for a wider audience with the goal of encouraging naturalists of all abilities to get out and explore. The monthly newsletter will have nature quizzes, species profiles, phenology notes, awareness activities, and tips for how to interpret landscapes.

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Sample Newsletter

Click image for a PDF of the first newsletter. You can also find the archive of newsletters here.

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Be sure to check the archives for back issues.
And shoot me an email if you have an idea for a future blog post, newsletter issue, or podcast episode!

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