Crayfish of Vermont

It’s surprisingly difficult to simply write down a complete list of the species of crayfish we have in Vermont. It is equally difficult to get accurate records on which species are native and which have been introduced. This is in part because there has been so little attention paid to crayfish in the northeast. Many of our species readily hybridize, further confusing identification. I’ve relied on information from, data from the state, data I’ve collected, and unpublished data/resources from fellow naturalists and educators who study crayfish to tease out which species are present and which are indeed native.

All of our species of crayfish in the northeast are in the family Cambaridae; our species in the genus Faxonius were formerly in the genus Orconectes.

* = not native to Vermont
§ = non-native & invasive in Vermont
† = not yet present in Vermont, but in adjacent watersheds


Appalachian (eastern) crayfish, Cambarus bartonii
* Big water crayfish, Cambarus robustus
Calico crayfish, Faxonius immunis,
Spiny-cheek crayfish, Faxonius limosus
*, † Allegheny crayfish, Faxonius obscurus
Northern clearwater crayfish, Faxonius propinquus
§ Rusty crayfish, Faxonius rusticus
* Virile crayfish, Faxonius virilis
White river crayfish, Procambarus acutus,
Red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii,

Range map

Observations of the various Cambaridae crayfish found in New England, map based on observations submitted on


  • Crayfish of Nebraska: source
  • Crayfish of the White River Watershed: source
  • Crayfish curriculum for educators: source
  • The Crayfishes of New England: source
  • Species of Ontario Crayfish: source
  • Online lecture about crayfish: video